Latest Past Events

Intercessor’s Camp

Revival Village, Mgbirichi CRM Revival Village Mgbirichi, Owerri

Intercessors Camp is an annual prayer storm programme holding towards the end of every year into the year. Here we prayer into a new year, new spirit and fresh anointing to keep holding on to God through prayer and steadfastness. It's power packed program. Come and experience peace from your troubles through praying men intercession.

National Youth Week

The youth department of Charismatic Renewal Ministries is concerned with grooming the youth to full maturity. Youth also matters in the leadership of CRM which started as a youth fellowship. We believe that the youth can catch heavenly vision and run with it. Youth week is an annual programme that give the youth the full...

Children Also Week

Children Also is our department for children ministry. We saw the need to catch them young. with the scripture's mandate that says "Train up your child in the way he should go so when he's old, he won't depart from it" We catch them in Children Also Department and impact in them life changing visions...